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Signature Programs

HOWL - Honorable Organized Wise Leaders! 

We recognize that students thrive in an environment where there are consistent behavioral expectations across campus.  We strive to reinforce the behavior we want to see repeated.  This is the Newport Coast Elementary behavioral matrix.

Campus Behavior Expectations

Campus Location

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Thinking Maps

Newport Coast Elementary School remains committed to teaching students to think like a scholar.  "Thinking Maps" are teaching and learning tools that we use across our campus in all classrooms.  Watch a video to learn more about Thinking Maps.

Professional Learning Communities 

We are a school focused on working in teams or professional learning communities (PLCs) to teach all students at high levels in their academics and in their social and emotional growth.

This image illustrates how we do our work (click on image for full size pdf):

MTSS Multi-Tier System of Supports.